A Night of Dares and A Day of Prizes

Double Dog Dare-a-Thon is an outreach event that takes place each spring. The goal is to provide students the opportunity to invest in their friends who don’t attend church and invite them to Transit!

How It Works:

Each student invites a friend over (maybe to spend the night at his or her house—with parent permission, of course). At 8:00 p.m. the students visit the Double Dog Dare-a-Thon website and begin the first dare. They take a photo of themselves completing the dare and upload it to the website. Once the photo for the dare is uploaded, the site automatically moves to the next dare, and this continues until they complete the line-up. On Sunday, the Transit staff will announce the winners and award prizes during your student’s service hour. Every student has a chance to win. Trust us…it will be worth it!

Dates Coming Soon